Government Pension Offset (GPO) and Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP)
Call to Action!
We need your voice to make history! The time has come for the Senate to take action on H.R. 82 and S.597, crucial legislation that addresses the unfair impacts of the Government Pension Offset (GPO) and Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP).
These provisions have negatively affected the retirement benefits of countless peace officers and their families. Passage of this bill will ensure fair treatment and financial security for those who have dedicated their lives to serving and protecting their communities. Senator Schumer has the power to bring this legislation to the Senate floor for a vote, but he needs to hear from us.
Please take a moment to call Senator Schumer's office today at:
(202) 224-6542
Let him know how important this issue is to you and the law enforcement community.
Sample Call Script:
"Hello, my name is ____________, and I am a peace officer from Washington State. I’m calling to urge Senator Schumer to bring H.R. 82 and S.597 to the Senate floor for a vote. The passage of this legislation will correct the unfair impacts of GPO/WEP and ensure retirement fairness for law enforcement officers like me. Please be part of history and pass this critical bill. Thank you."
Together, we can make a difference. Thank you for standing with us in this important fight!