April 6 - April 10, 2025
WSNIA invites you to attend the annual 2025 Washington State Narcotics Investigators Association, Training Summit, and Vendor Show. WSNIA strives to bring the best instructors from across the nation to enhance the capabilities and effectiveness of our investigators. You will notice most of the courses are new and cover a wide range of topics. Equally important is the networking and team building that occurs at each summit and over the years. Plan to join us, you won’t be sorry you did!
Kelsey JewellFebruary 24 - 28, 2025
This five-day course is designed for first responders who serve as the Wellness Coordinators for their departments, and for organizations creating a wellness program. This course will cover the importance of a Wellness Coordinator as they advocate change and develop a comprehensive program. Hosting Agency: Bothell Police Department
Kelsey JewellCall to Action!
We need your voice to make history! The time has come for the Senate to take action on H.R. 82 and S.597, crucial legislation that addresses the unfair impacts of the Government Pension Offset (GPO) and Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP).
Teresa TaylorNominate by January 3rd
Recognize a current WACOPS member who has exhibited an exceptional and outstanding performance of duties!
Kelsey Jewell