WACOPS Application Select An Option Associate Membership Associate memberships may be granted to organizations that do not meet all of the listed requirements for regular membership. Each Associate membership will be discussed and approved or disapproved by a vote of the Executive Board. Any Associate membership approved by the Executive Board will be reported to the Council membership at the next general membership meeting. Associate membership to the Council by any organization shall be contingent upon participation of not less than 100% of dues paying personnel of that Associate member organization.Associate member organizations will not accept Associate members or groups into their organizations without prior approval of the Council. Failure to recognize, observe, and be bound by this section will constitute just cause for immediate removal of the Associate member organization from the Council. Regular Membership Regular membership shall be granted to organizations representing active, fully commissioned, general authority peace officers in Washington State who have arrest powers and whose primary duties include the enforcement of Washington State Criminal codes and traffic laws.Regular membership to the Council by any organization shall be contingent upon participation of not less than 100% of dues paying commissioned personnel of the Member organization. Retired Membership Retired membership shall be granted to any former officers who retired in good standing from a position as described under regular membership and who apply for such membership. Enter Contact Information Prefix (i.e. Mr. Mrs. Dr.) First Name Last Name Suffix (i.e Jr. Sr. III) Designations E-mail Family NameOrganization Name View Membership Terms Next Please select a valid membership option and fee item if exist Powered By GrowthZone